In March of 2021, we began to receive financial support from women who believed in our Mission. These donations have been used for various start-up costs, including any expenses needed to get the word out about Ohio Womyns Intentional Living Communities. Women who donate $5/month (or more) become official OWILC Supporters and have access to the details of OWILC's development as outlined
in our Supporters Agreement.
As of the middle of March 2022, OWILC has received $1,885. in donations from 31 women.
We have much gratitude to the following women for your belief in and continued support of our Mission: Terri K., Sylvia T., Susan N., Shannon K., Sandra G., Rose R., Ro M., Rae S., Paisley N.D., Michele T., Mary S., Melissa G., Marie S., Marianne K., Linda S., Linda F., Laurie

G., Kellie E., Kelley S., Jill S., Jessica O., Elizabeth S., Darlene K., Cindy C., Christy F., Chris G., Charlotte J., Carol N., Betty F., Anita A. and Adlai N.
Special thanks to Sally Hall without whose help, this website would not exist!